Learning content marketplace.
Are you ready?

As easy as drag and drop

With a drag and drop you can connect your Cornerstone + Saba Learning to the contents you need.

Renew your contents catalogue

Create ad update your learning strategy by bringing state of the art courses, directly from other course providers.

Adapted to you

Both for internal use and for your external partners, all content is adapted to your industry sector needs. You can find medical information, technological, business one,etc…

Connected to the learning marketplace

In a second you will have access to thousands of courses from the best providers, such as como OpenSesame, LinkedIn Learning, Skillsoft, Harvard ManageMentor, DDI, Udemy, Quofox,  getAbstract, etc…

Search their catalogues and automatically import to Cornerstone + Saba the content you select, to be used in any device.


Increase and vitalize the use of your informal learning contents: search for those which last less than 10 minutes and tag them as micro-learning.

You can organise them by knowledge areas and tags, as in social networks, so employees will find and select them easily.

Content flash by email

Send and automated email to each employee with a personalised content flash, based on the areas they have selected in their career development plan.

Employees will always be up to date of new content, relevant to them, and you will boost the use of the platform within your organisation.

When do you want to start?