Analytics for recruitment
Are you ready?

Real time analysis

Identify real time trends through a detailed information panel about your recruitment processes phases, activities, tasks and results.

Improve your candidate experience

When you have detailed information about your candidate’s activities through the recruitment process, you are able to optimise it and provide the best experience to them.

Reduce your investment

Optimising your processes means reducing your investment. You will be able to find the best ways to hire and welcome your company’s new talent.

El sistema permite tener una serie de paneles completamente personalizados y por roles.

Bespoke panels and reports

The system includes a wide set of preconfigured panels and reports. You can also build your own ones, in accordance to your recruitment strategy, the preferred periodicity, information analysed and receivers.

Each panel allows you to deepen all the information you might need from your recruitment and on-boarding processes.

El sistema es capaz de conectarse con otras herramientas y cruzar información.

Hyper connectivity

Thanks to the solution APIs, you can integrate information from other systems which take part in your recruitment an On-Boarding processes. It is easy to link recruitment and business.

La información es accesible desde cualquier tipo de dispositivo.

Access anytime anywhere

You can access your analytics using any device, no matter where you are. The real time panels adapt to your device so you won’t lose any detail.

When do you want to start?